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Communication utility

OrdoPopup is an instant messaging tool. With OrdoPopup you can send messages to and chat with any user in your local network. This little tool is a much improved version of the old and obsolete Winpopup present in older versions of Windows.

OrdoPopup is designed to communicate ONLY with your local network friends.

All messages transferred between users may be encrypted and do not go through online servers.

No Internet connection is required. The application works within the LAN network exclusively, which protects conversations inside your company or home.

Just install OrdoPopup on the workstations of your network and authorize it in your firewall settings.

While waiting for a message, OrdoPopup sits in the Systray. When a message is received, a window is displayed at the top of the screen, allowing the sender to be answered. Notifications let you know if the message was received or not. You have, of course, the ability to send a message to multiple users on your network

The creation of messages is done in a real word processing window, allowing you to insert styles, different font sizes and graphics...

When you reply, the original text of the conversation is recalled at the bottom of the window, to remember all the requests and replies.

Messages are saved locally on your workstation, and can be browsed whenever you want.


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Version (2023-02-26)