OrdoWebView2 Control
ActiveX component

OrdoWebview2 is an ActiveX control (ocx) that I developed during the realization of a professional project for my publishing company. It replaces the aging VB6 webview control based on a deprecated Internet Explorer!

Olaf Schmitt, the brilliant author of the vbRichClient framework, has integrated Microsoft's WebView2 control into the RC6, which is an incredible feat!

Microsoft's WebView2 control is a new component allowing you to include an Edge explorer, based on Chromium, in your own developments.

In fact, OrdoWebview2 is an ActiveX control interface to facilitate the task of developers who are more accustomed to an ActiveX control interface than to the manipulation of the RC6 Framework.

The installation kit, downloadable here, installs the Ocx, the RC6 framework (which is deployed side-by-side without registration) and a fixed version of Microsoft's WebView2 control.

It is of course possible to use the Evergreen version of WebView2 which is constantly updated.

The installer also installs a small test program and its sources in Visual Basic 6. These sources are given as an example of use of the control.

In the "Redistributable" folder, OrdoWebView2ControlRedistributable.exe is used to install the control and its dependencies on a client machine. Launched with the /verysilent option, this program can be integrated into the installer of your own solution.

You will also find in this folder the Microsoft installer of the Evergreen version of WebView2

As an example of what is achievable with OrdoWebView2, you will find on the following link a multi-tab Browser, optionally allowing you to protect yourself from intrusive advertisements and tracking Cookies !


Download OrdoWebView2 SDK Help File...
Version 2.0.8 (2024-08-26)

Version 2.0.5

The control use :

⦁RC6 version 6.0.14


⦁Fixed version 114 : Windows 10, 11, Server 2016, Server 2019, Server 2022

⦁Fixed version 109 : Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2012, Server 2008 R2

New Properties

New Methods :

InitEx : extended version of the Init method. Allows you to :

⦁ initiate browsing in private mode

⦁ choose the user data directory of the browser.

⦁ Set browser command line switches

⦁ ...

GetInnerText : returns the text content of the control, but also the cookies of the page, all the links of the page...

GetInnerHTML : returns the HTML content of the control, but also the cookies of the page, all the links of the page...

New Events

NavigationStarting : raised when the WebView main frame is requesting permission to navigate to a different URI.

Version 2.0.4

The control use :

⦁ RC6 version 6.0.12

⦁ WebView2 Fixed version 110

New Properties

New Methods :

SetZoomFactor : sets the zoom factor for the page displayed in the control...

RunJs : runs JavaScript code from the javaScript parameter in the current top-level document rendered in the Control (Replace JsRun)

RunJsAsync : asynchronously runs JavaScript code from the javaScript parameter in the current top-level document rendered in the Control (Replace JsRunAsync)

New Events

ZoomChanged : raised when the user change the browser zoom factor.

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